About Me

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2010: After my cancer diagnosis, my sister Cory suggested I start a blog to keep family and friends up-to-date on my treatment. What a great idea! Check back as often as you like. I'll try to post as much as I can, at the least after major doctor's appointments. 2014: On to more exciting topics! First up, Helsinki 2014.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I interrupt this regularly scheduled program...

Before I get into how my last treatment went, I'd like to take a minute to remember my Grandpa Jim, who passed away the day after Thanksgiving.

It's been really tough coming to terms with the fact that he's not around any more. As those who knew him are well aware he was a larger than life individual. Literally. 6'5" and looked like John Wayne. He was a tough guy externally but a softy deep down.

In his younger days, he was pretty....well....he could hard to deal with (so I've heard), but as a grandfather, I have nothing but wonderful memories. I never gave him a hug, but upon leaving any visit he's roughly point at his cheek and in his big gruff voice demand a 'kip'.

He loved to impart nicknames on the people he cared about. I am Amfat. Or Abber on occasion.

He was massively overprotective. I can still hear him telling me to stay away from the deck railing, not to go down the basement stairs, to be careful petting Bad Kitty and do not under any circumstance go near Rebel (one of my grandparents dogs). Speaking of dogs, I'm pretty sure I inherited my love for the canine from him and my grandma. Rebel, Sandy, Rusty, Rosie (or Ruffles and Rosledosel...even the dogs got nicknames), Rocky, Penny and many more. He loved to tell wildly improbable stories, have fun and enjoy life. He survived lung cancer in his 70s and at the end never gave up.

This is only a blip of the person he was. It would take a novel the size of War and Peace to really do him justice.

It's now a week after his memorial and while the distractions of work and dealing with cancer keep my mind elsewhere, I can't help but tear up again everytime I look at his photos hanging in my hallway.

I miss you Grandpa.


Chemo number five was the easiest by far. The only uncomfortable thing about it was the Benadryl that I was given via IV beforehand. Instead of knocking me out, it made me tired but wired and jumpy at the same time. I knew there was a reason I never take stuff like that. The main reason for an antihistamine is that the majority of people on Taxol have an allergic reaction in the form of massive itchy. Next week my oncologist is going to try out Claritin with me instead.

Overall I felt pretty normal. Appetite is still good (too good) and while some side effects have changed it's at the moment totally manageable.

And now to the part we've all been waiting for, my hero's of the week!

Kevin for taking me to chemo again and playing chauffeur. It was a long day.
Mariah for hanging out with us at chemo and for my bag of goodies!
Cory for spending the weekend with me and being a great nurse.