About Me

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2010: After my cancer diagnosis, my sister Cory suggested I start a blog to keep family and friends up-to-date on my treatment. What a great idea! Check back as often as you like. I'll try to post as much as I can, at the least after major doctor's appointments. 2014: On to more exciting topics! First up, Helsinki 2014.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Lights. Camera. ACTION!

I finally made a decision last Friday on which oncologist to go with. I opted for Dr. Kovach at Overlake in Bellevue. The reason was simple. Every other week (even at a higher dose) means I'm done sooner. And the "high" dose is really just standard treatment...it's nothing they don't do every day. The other reason is that I have also decided to pursue acupuncture as a way help manage the side effects in addition to the support meds.

Which leads me to the "action" portion of this post. I start this Friday!

I have three prescriptions that I need to get filled by Friday...and have to get a flu shot. And have to get the wig in order. Although it will take between 2 and 3 weeks before my hair starts to go. And...and...oh man so much I still wanted to get taken care of! Originally I suggested I start next Friday...but Dr. Kovach said he'd start tomorrow if I let him. So we compromised :)

Friday at 10 I check in at Overlake Hospital for a quick surgery to put a port in place. That should only take a couple hours total including the time they need to watch me, then I get wheeled over to Dr. Kovach's office and get hooked up for my first treatment. Monday mornings after chemo I will have to swing by his office on the way to work for a shot to boost my white blood cells. Going to get to know Bellevue really well again.

My new work schedule officially begins today! I will be working four tens for the next 6 months.

I'm really ready to get this show on the road, but now a bit nervous that it's actually going to happen. The whole thing hasn't seemed quite real, been mostly academic...til now.


  1. Give a holler if you need anything! Love you!
    Smooches, Auntie Lucy

  2. The only thing I have to relate it to is getting ready for a baby! I'm sure this is quite different. You're a hero Amber! I'll be praying traffic to Bellevue on Fridays and Mondays is super easy. Love you lots, Cory

  3. You will do well with this schedule Amber! I think you have made a well reasoned choice here.

  4. I am working a hop, skip and jump from Overlake at City Center. If you want or need to carpool to Blahvue, let me know! PS There is some construction around 112th, not sure if that will get in your way. I've been taking the Bellevue Way exit instead of dealing w. 405 and it hasn't been too bad.

